Data Cloud
Data Cloud provides virtual private data cloud services, enabling users to independently manage computing, storage, network, and permission resources. Features include Warehouse, Databases, and data synchronization.
Within a single Data Cloud instance, users can create multiple Warehouses, manage multiple databases, and perform various data synchronization tasks. Users can create one or more Data Cloud instances based on business needs.
Create a Data Cloud Instance
Once the first contract is active, users can create a new Data Cloud instance under the corresponding contract on the contract page or directly on the "Data Clouds" page. The creation process is as follows:
Users with an existing Data Cloud can create a new one in the lower left corner of each region page.
Creating a Data Cloud requires associating it with a valid contract. A Data Cloud cannot be created without a contract. Users must also select a cloud provider and region and assign a unique name to the Data Cloud within the region (if the name conflicts, change it and try again).
Note: Contract information includes a "tag" and a specific contract number for user identification.
Data Cloud Management
After accessing the Data Cloud page, users can create new Warehouses, manage databases, and perform data synchronization tasks. The primary operations include:
Data Cloud Permission Management
Upon creating a new Data Cloud, the system automatically creates admin, DevOps, and viewer roles. For default settings, please refer to Access Control.
Data Cloud Rename
Users can change the Data Cloud's name. The new name must be unique within the local domain. If the name conflicts, please choose a different one.
Data Cloud Delete
Deleting a Data Cloud poses significant risks, permanently eliminating all databases and associated data within it, and this action cannot be undone. Please consider carefully before proceeding!
If you decide to discontinue using Data Cloud, remove all Warehouses and other resources associated with the instance.