
Backup and Restore

Backup involves duplicating data and essential information from a database to a different location or medium to safeguard against accidental deletions, hardware malfunctions, software issues, disasters, etc.

Recovery entails reinstating the data and critical information from the backup in the database, allowing it to revert to its condition before the backup.

Tacnode offers robust database-level backup and recovery functionalities.


On the console home page, click to enter your Data Cloud.

In Data Cloud, click the "Data"->""Database" tab on the left to view all the databases in the current Data Cloud. Locate the database that needs to be backed up and ensure it is in the "Attached" state.

Click the "Backup" button.

On the backup subpage that opens, set the "Retention period" (this is necessary as the backup will automatically be deleted after it expires) and the optional "Description." Click "OK" to start the backup, remembering that authorization is required for the first backup.

Backup operates asynchronously. Go to the "Backup files" list to check the task status. Once the backup is successful, a file will be added to the list.

Locating Backups

In Data Cloud, select the "Backup" tab on the left to view all completed backups and the status of backup tasks.


In Data Cloud, locate the backup you wish to restore and click the "Restore" button.

On the pop-up recovery subpage, specify the name of the target database, choose the Nodegroup where the recovery will occur, and optionally provide a description. Then, click "OK" to initiate the recovery task.

An asynchronous recovery task completes a task. The task status can be checked on the Backup page.

Once the task is completed, the restored database will be found in the "Database" tab. By default, this database is attached to the Nodegroup, which performs the recovery task.

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