
Development Client & SDK

Tacnode is compatible with most PostgreSQL-compatible development clients. Below is a list of some common clients.


Driver/ORM FrameworkSupportExample
HibernateFully supportedCRUD
MyBatisFully supported
JDBCFully supported


Driver/ORM FrameworkSupportExample
SQLAlchemyFully supportedCRUD
psycopg2Fully supported
psycopg3Fully supported
DjangoFully supported


Driver/ORM FrameworkSupportExample
GORMFully supportedCRUD
pgFully supported
pgxFully supported


Migrating Existing Projects to Tacnode

  • For projects using PostgreSQL as the data source, simply update the configuration file's database connection string, username, and password.

  • For projects using MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, or other databases, follow these migration steps:

    1. Transfer the table structure. Syntaxes across different database dialects may not be compatible. If you change the table structure, you must also adjust the corresponding entity class in the code.
    2. Update the database configuration, including the connection string, username, and password.
    3. Alter the database connection driver and dialect in your ORM. For example, change com.mysql.jdbc.Driver to org.postgresql.Driver and update org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect to org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL82Dialect in Hibernate.

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